Looking Back - what the Fed has accomplished
- Supported passage of Measure A - Library, spearheaded by Steve Patterson, Fed founder
- Established monthly City/Fed meetings
- Wrote original (2003) Bylaws
- Had swap fest at PG&E lot and accumulated funds
- Hosted 2 City-wide meetings with officials to discuss SR Transit Center
- Hosted many monthly meetings with City Officials such as 2040 Plan, the City Manager, the Mayor, Community Development Director, Supervisor & District Attorney Candidate Forums
- Attended Planning Commission, Design Review Board, City Council Meetings
- A representative 2040 General Plan Steering Committee - Jackie Schmidt
- Established regular monthly calendar for City/Fed meetings with shared chairing
- Held First Annual Meeting
- Revised 2003 Bylaws, approved at Annual Meeting
- Began membership drive, recruitment for greater neighborhood representation
- Conducted Steering Committee election at Annual Meeting
- Established a valid slate of officers
- Produced an accurate neighborhood map
- Established a membership database