Video from the CANDIDATES FORUM, Monday, September 23
Co-sponsored by the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods, Sustainable San Rafael,
Point San Pedro Road Coalition
Panelists: Kate Colin, Mahmoud Shirazi (Declined) - San Rafael Mayor
Mark Galperin, Rachel Kertz - San Rafael City Council District 4
Andy Podshadley, Damon Connolly - CA Assembly District 12
Brian Colbert, Heather McPhail Shidharan = Marin County Supervisor District 2
Jack Kenney, Diana Maier, Robert Sandoval - Marin Municipal Water District Division 2
Co-sponsored by the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods, Sustainable San Rafael,
Point San Pedro Road Coalition
Panelists: Kate Colin, Mahmoud Shirazi (Declined) - San Rafael Mayor
Mark Galperin, Rachel Kertz - San Rafael City Council District 4
Andy Podshadley, Damon Connolly - CA Assembly District 12
Brian Colbert, Heather McPhail Shidharan = Marin County Supervisor District 2
Jack Kenney, Diana Maier, Robert Sandoval - Marin Municipal Water District Division 2
Watch the May 9th, Fed General Zoom Meeting
Presentation, Q&A
Cory Bytof, City Sustainability Program Director
Holly Lawrence, Zero Waste Outreach Fellow
Presentation, Q&A
Cory Bytof, City Sustainability Program Director
Holly Lawrence, Zero Waste Outreach Fellow
Hello Fed Folks,
On February 24th, we enjoyed an upbeat and happy Annual Meeting at Studio Fourth Street. Listening to the cool music of The Hopheads, friendships were renewed and discovered. There were also lovely refreshments provided by volunteers. The music, the volunteers, the vibe, the purpose was quite extraordinary. And we have many many new & renewed memberships!
Two City staff members, Micah Hinkle and Chris Hess, addressed economic development and issues of homelessness. When we ran out of time, some folks also submitted questions for the City which I have forwarded to the City Manager.
March 28th is our annual Steering Committee goal-setting retreat via Zoom. Please send in your ideas on the contact page or via email . Stay tuned for future General Meetings with speakers of interest.
Please enjoy the slides and photos.
All the best,
Amy Likover
Chair, Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Watch Video of
Fed Meeting with Marin Commutes Jan 11, 2024
Nicole Hilaire and Scott McDonald explain the Marin Commutes program,
Sponsored by TAM - Transportation Authority of Marin
Watch a replay of the FED's April 19th Meeting
Watch our meeting from January 12th featuring
April Miller, DPW Director
"DPW Projects in Your Neighborhood"
Useful contact & links mentioned in the program:
Resilient Shore: Jeffrey Rhoads [email protected] 702 682 9829
Street Sweeping:
Curb painting:
Sidewalk repair:
2nd & $th STreet Improvement:
Resilient Shore: Jeffrey Rhoads [email protected] 702 682 9829
Street Sweeping:
Curb painting:
Sidewalk repair:
2nd & $th STreet Improvement:
Watch a replay of the FED's Annual Meeting from Tuesday, Feb 28th
With Guest speaker, Mayor Kate Colin
CA Assembly District 12 Candidates
Damon Connolly & Sara Aminzadeh
Video from our August 11th meeting
Community Safety -Your Home & Neighborhood
with Detective Rick Cuddy of the SRPD
Additional police activity information is available at
Incident logs and arrest logs available here:
Incident logs and arrest logs available here:
Replay of the Fed's CANDIDATES FORUM
Thursday, April 14, held on Zoom
Replay of the Fed's Annual Meeting, February 10th, held on Zoom
Watch the video from our November 3rd Forum:
Fixing the 101/580 Interchange
What does the future hold for San Rafael and Larkspur?
Panel members included:
County Supervisors Katie Rice and Dennis Rodoni
Bill Guerin from the City of San Rafael Department of Public Works
From TAM, Transportation Authority of Marin - Anne Richman, Executive Director, Dan Cherrier, P.E.
Linda Jackson from Sustainable San Rafael
Joanne Webster from the Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Rhoads, President of Resiliant Shore
Fixing the 101/580 Interchange
What does the future hold for San Rafael and Larkspur?
Panel members included:
County Supervisors Katie Rice and Dennis Rodoni
Bill Guerin from the City of San Rafael Department of Public Works
From TAM, Transportation Authority of Marin - Anne Richman, Executive Director, Dan Cherrier, P.E.
Linda Jackson from Sustainable San Rafael
Joanne Webster from the Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Rhoads, President of Resiliant Shore
FSRN General Meeting August featuring SRPD Chief David Spiller
Dealing with the Drought & Conserving Water
Presented by Lucy Croy,
MMWD Water Quality Manager
June 10, 2021
May 13th, 2021 MEETING
Mayor Kate Colin and San Rafael City Manager's Office Analyst Thomas Wong presented this slide show to our Steering Committee May 13th. The survey results will guide the City, as we continue to provide input to the City about concerns from San Rafael's neighborhoods. There has been a hiatus of our monthly City/Neighborhood meetings, requested by the City, as their new political leadership got on board. In the meanwhile, the Fed has actively engaged its members and friends at Listening Session #1, and will report back progress made at our next general meeting.
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Dear Fed Friends,
If you missed our the January 14th, please watch the replay below.
The guest line-up included
SR Fire Chief Darin White - SRFD update, Q & A
New Council members, Rachel Kertz and Maika Llorens Gulati
Monty Schmitt, new MMWD District 2 Board member
If you missed The Fed’s 1st Live-Streamed Community Meeting
With Social Activist and Stand-up Comedian Michael Pritchard
October 1st, 7 PM
Candidates Forum for the November 3rd Elections
Watch video from Candidates Forum
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Steering Committee Agenda
August 13, 2020
7-8:30 PM via Zoom
1. Present
2. Reports
A. Treasurer: Finance report – Kevin
B. Secretary: Minutes - Mary Anne
C. Membership Committee: Job description, Letters - Teri and Amy
D. Website: Creation, maintenance and access to member database – Jim
E. Stakeholder working Group, (SWG) 101N-580E Direct Connect project - Jim
F. 2040 General Plan – Jackie Schmidt
3. New Business
A. City/Fed agenda
1. Intro Ron Freshman, Fed Emergency Preparedness/NRG Liaison
2. The City Post-Covid
3. 5G - Where is the City?
4. Sea Level Rise
B. September 10th General Meeting suggested topics
1. Brief reports: Treasurer, Minutes, Membership
2. Announce grants - Kevin
3. “The City Post-Covid Shutdown,” Jim Schutz
4. “SWG” 101N-580E Direct Connect Project”
4. Old Business
A. Promote new neighborhood associations, start with Shaver/Latham - Richard
B. Describe that neighborhood’s walk-through with parking officials – Amy
5. Next meetings, looking forward (your input please)
- City/Fed August 19, 5 PM, Zoom
- Fed General Meeting, Sept 10, 7 PM, Zoom
- City/Fed Sept 16, 5 pm, Zoom ?
- Fed SC Meeting or Committees meet, Oct 8, 7 PM, Zoom ?
- Fed General Meeting, Oct, 7 PM, Zoom - Candidates forum?
- City/Fed, Oct 21, 5 PM, Zoom?
- Fed SC Meeting Nov 12, 7 PM, Zoom ? - Plan holiday event etc
- City/Fed Nov 18, 5 PM, Zoom?
- Holiday Event, Entertainment by neighborhood, December 13 (3-4:30?) Invite and intro City Council members
Fed Annual Meeting Feb 13 ~ Bylaws change, Member vote
6:30pm February 13, 2020
Speakers will include
Mayor Gary Phillips
Rafat Raie, San Rafael Traffic Engineer
Barry Miller, San Rafael General Plan 2040 Project Manager
Chief Sinnott, Office of Emergency Services
Mayor Gary Phillips
Rafat Raie, San Rafael Traffic Engineer
Barry Miller, San Rafael General Plan 2040 Project Manager
Chief Sinnott, Office of Emergency Services
We'll have a 6:30 pm "Meet and greet" with refreshments followed by the 7 pm meeting, Year in Review, votes and speakers. Mark your calendars, Feb 13th 6:30 PM. Stay tuned for more details about our Annual Meeting.
Please send in your $10 ($25 for associations) 2020 annual fee here, for member privileges. Scroll down for what member privileges entail.
On Feb 13th, voting members will be presented with two Steering Committee recommended bylaw changes to clarify our boundaries and membership classes. Our bylaws require that members receive proposed bylaw changes one month prior to voting, thus this evening's timing.
Please write to me directly if you'd like to find out more about serving on the Steering Committee. We currently have representatives only from Bret Harte, Gerstle Park, California Park, Montecito, Glenwood, and Lincoln/San Rafael Hill.
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Steering Committee Meeting
January 9, 2020, 7 PM
134 Reservoir Rd., SR
1. Welcome & debrief December party – 5 mins
2. North San Rafael guests (Terra Linda HOA, Mont Marin) : discuss our commonalities, and what it would look like if their groups join the Fed
3. Approve treasurer's report - Kevin will email
4. Approve summary minutes from November meeting Danielle O’Leary-
5. Updates on memberships: Names/numbers of individuals, associations – Sam & Kevin
6. Last reading of bylaws change, vote to recommend to the membership
7. Annual Meeting Feb 13 at BioM. Establish a planning subcommittee (min 3 people) _______________________________________+ Amy or Richard
Thanks for volunteering for this, especially if you have not been active lately.
Need to plan: speaker (thanks for Sam's suggestions), food, staffing membership table. set-up/clean-up
8. City/Fed agenda ideas – January 22
9. Meeting schedule 2020
Proposed, 1st or 2nd Thursday, or alternate? : Feb 13 (Annual Meeting) March(Retreat), April , May, June, No July, August, September, October, November, No meeting – Holiday Party
1. Welcome & debrief December party – 5 mins
2. North San Rafael guests (Terra Linda HOA, Mont Marin) : discuss our commonalities, and what it would look like if their groups join the Fed
3. Approve treasurer's report - Kevin will email
4. Approve summary minutes from November meeting Danielle O’Leary-
5. Updates on memberships: Names/numbers of individuals, associations – Sam & Kevin
6. Last reading of bylaws change, vote to recommend to the membership
7. Annual Meeting Feb 13 at BioM. Establish a planning subcommittee (min 3 people) _______________________________________+ Amy or Richard
Thanks for volunteering for this, especially if you have not been active lately.
Need to plan: speaker (thanks for Sam's suggestions), food, staffing membership table. set-up/clean-up
8. City/Fed agenda ideas – January 22
9. Meeting schedule 2020
Proposed, 1st or 2nd Thursday, or alternate? : Feb 13 (Annual Meeting) March(Retreat), April , May, June, No July, August, September, October, November, No meeting – Holiday Party
There were 30+ people including Supervisor Katie Rice and Councilmember Kate Colin. It was an extraordinarily friendly and happy event. Click on the photo below to see more.
All the best to you and your families, and a Happy New Year to all!
Amy Likover, FSRN President
There were 30+ people including Supervisor Katie Rice and Councilmember Kate Colin. It was an extraordinarily friendly and happy event. Click on the photo below to see more.
All the best to you and your families, and a Happy New Year to all!
Amy Likover, FSRN President
Click photo for more!
AGENDA November 7, 2019
City of San Rafael Commercial Properties Update
What is the future of currently vacant properties such as:
- Marin Square,
- OSH,
- Toys 'R Us,
- Downtown 4th St (former jewelry store at C St., former gym building at Court) and more?
Bring your observations and questions.
Guest: Danielle O'Leary
Director of Economic Development and Innovation
City of San Rafael
Chair: Kevin Hagerty, Glenwood Neighborhood
Slides from Danielle O'Leary's Presentation
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Neighborhood Element of the 2040 PLAN,
7-8:30 pm
BioMarin -750 Lindaro
Thursday, Oct 3rd
Featuring homemade cookies
Special guest, Barry Miller, 2040 General Plan Project Manager
1. Summary of 2040 Steering Committee meetings - Jackie Schmidt (15 min)
2. The Neighborhood Element - Barry will walk us through the current 2020 General Plan's Neighborhood Element, its "Vision" and "Goals," to give us an idea of the work ahead, and how to craft updated versions that fold our own neighborhoods' plans into the City's own plan.
Sea Level Rise: Potential Effects on the City of
San Rafael–Its Residents and the Environment
Thursday, Sept 5th, 7:00–8:30 PM
BioMarin (First Floor Conference Room | 750 Lindaro St.)
Our Sept 5th Sea Level Rise event at Bio Marin was a success. There were 39 attendees including Presenters and Federation members. It was an opportunity to hear directly from active and knowledgeable sea level rise specialists along with City and County officials. Residents learned about the nature, anticipated severity, and potential impact of sea level rise on our neighborhoods, as well as what is being done to address it. (See Flyer)
Video of presentations - Thanks to Carly Daniels of BioMarin for the use of her camera!
Chris Choo | Principal Watershed Planner, County Of Marin

Sea level rise planning and adaptation (Choo) | |
File Size: | 1009 kb |
File Type: |
Paul Jensen | Community Development Department Director, City of San Rafael
Cory Bytof | Sustainability Program Manager, City of San Rafael
Cory Bytof | Sustainability Program Manager, City of San Rafael

Sea Level Rise, City of San Rafael (Jensen/Bytof) | |
File Size: | 7831 kb |
File Type: |
Matt Brennan, PE | ESA

City of San Rafael Sea-Level Rise Adaption Study Adaptation Measures (Brennan) | |
File Size: | 1660 kb |
File Type: |
Power Shutoff Neighborhood Meeting (7/11/19)
On Thursday, July 11, 2019, the FSRN hosted an open meeting at San Rafael City Hall to discuss preparation for public safety power shutoffs. As you likely have heard, PG&E monitors weather conditions during fire seasons and plans to preemptively shut down electrical power to circuits in areas of high fire risk. San Rafael and Marin County Fire and OES officials helped address the concerns and needs for these outages from being prepared at home to the protocol for the city services. Speakers included San Rafael Fire Chief Chris Gray, San Rafael Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner, Marin County Fire Chief Jason Weber, Marin County Emergency Manager Tom Jordan, and Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods Vice President Richard Bernstein. Mayor Gary Phillips and Supervisor Dennis Rodoni also attended.
You can view the meeting video by clicking here.
You can access the informational handouts from the meeting here, as well as PG&E information about their PSPS Program.
PG&E is holding a forum on Tuesday, July 30 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Embassy Suites in San Rafael, located at 101 McInnis Parkway. Learn more about this meeting here.
Sign up for AlertMarin by clicking here.
Sign up for Nixle notifications by texting 888-777 or clicking this link:
Discussed at our May meeting:
BioMarin, Whistlestop and Eden Housing representatives will discuss their mixed-use development proposal on the currently vacant brownfield property at 999 3rd St. (Photo below). The development plan consists of research labs. offices, and the Whistlestop "Healthy Aging Campus: with 67 units of affordable housing for older adults.
BioMarin, Whistlestop and Eden Housing representatives will discuss their mixed-use development proposal on the currently vacant brownfield property at 999 3rd St. (Photo below). The development plan consists of research labs. offices, and the Whistlestop "Healthy Aging Campus: with 67 units of affordable housing for older adults.
Highlights from our annual meeting
The FSRN held its annual meeting Wednesday, February 27th at BioMarin in San Rafael.
Highlights included:
Highlights included:
- The introduction of our new FSRN Neighborhood map
- Presentation of our financial report from Treasurer Michael McDermott
- Introductions and Election of the Steering Committee Slate of Candidates
- Highlights of the revised FSRN Bylaws
- San Rafael’s Marin County Supervisors discussing Homelessness and Mental Health, Housing,
Telecommunications & Transportation - Presentation from Rafat Raie, SR Traffic Engineer on the “State of San Rafael Traffic”
(Click the Full Screen button at bottom for better image)
(Click the Full Screen button at bottom for better image)
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FED's letter to the Bridge Authority and City/County officials about the San Rafael Transit Center Relocation.
Raymond Santiago
Principle Planner
Golden Gate Transit District
1011 Andersen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901
July 13, 2018
RE: San Rafael Transit Center Concepts
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods met July 11 with Bridge District representatives Ron Downing, Adam Dankberg, and Paolo Schwartz in a frank Q & A about the four proposed concepts. Federation members came to a consensus to endorse the Whistlestop Block concept, the most promising of the four, with several caveats.
As designed, this concept creates a welcoming gateway to San Rafael with the historic 1929 NWP Depot building regaining its traditional transit hub role while providing convenient access to buses and trains. This concept also looks like the safest pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular proposal. There is room for improvement, however.
1. The three bus bays on Third Street must be relocated to an adjacent space.
2. The four bus bays that line Tamalpais should also be relocated to decongest this narrow street, and to eliminate potential damage to the depot building.
3. The block west of the Whistlestop building (Third to Fourth Streets, Tamalpais to Lincoln) might be acquired to house the seven relocated bus bays.
4. Were #3 to occur, the historic taverns (“Taxi Office aka Trevor’s” on Tamalpais and “Tavern on Fourth”) must be preserved.
5. The Whistlestop building must be preserved. We are in favor of the building as a transit hub, and see great potential at that location as a public welcome center with commercial space.
6. A vehicular, pedestrian and bike route study to schools, between the Whistlestop Block concept and downtown and East San Rafael must be prioritized. There is potential for rerouting of buses on Lincoln.
With the SRTC relocation, we are concerned about the potential sale of the Bettini Center. Were the SRTC relocated near the Whistlestop building, the current Bettini Center holds promise for an enhanced downtown square and a safe crossroads for our residents and visitors. There are excellent opportunities for housing nearby. It is our hope that discussions with the City and leadership from both the City and GGBHTD would preserve the current Bettini Center area for public usage.
Two years ago the Federation sponsored a visioning session with City, County, non-profit, the GGBHTD, and neighborhood representatives. Consistent with our recommendations to you today, the consensus of that September 21, 2016 meeting was,
The Federation’s goals for this gateway location include:
• Efficient flow of traffic from the 101 freeway and on city streets
• Safe pathways for pedestrians and cyclists traveling all directions
• An appealing, aesthetic, and welcoming townscape
• Respect for our City's natural setting and history
We truly appreciated the candid discussion with the GGBHTD on July 11th. There was synergy, problem solving, and agreement that the above goals could be realized in the Whistlestop Block concept with the adjustments we recommend. Neighborhood members felt their voices were heard, and anticipate the ideas generated from that discussion will bear fruit, as we remain in contact on this very important issue.
Very truly yours,
Amy Likover, Chair
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
[email protected]
Principle Planner
Golden Gate Transit District
1011 Andersen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901
July 13, 2018
RE: San Rafael Transit Center Concepts
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods met July 11 with Bridge District representatives Ron Downing, Adam Dankberg, and Paolo Schwartz in a frank Q & A about the four proposed concepts. Federation members came to a consensus to endorse the Whistlestop Block concept, the most promising of the four, with several caveats.
As designed, this concept creates a welcoming gateway to San Rafael with the historic 1929 NWP Depot building regaining its traditional transit hub role while providing convenient access to buses and trains. This concept also looks like the safest pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular proposal. There is room for improvement, however.
1. The three bus bays on Third Street must be relocated to an adjacent space.
2. The four bus bays that line Tamalpais should also be relocated to decongest this narrow street, and to eliminate potential damage to the depot building.
3. The block west of the Whistlestop building (Third to Fourth Streets, Tamalpais to Lincoln) might be acquired to house the seven relocated bus bays.
4. Were #3 to occur, the historic taverns (“Taxi Office aka Trevor’s” on Tamalpais and “Tavern on Fourth”) must be preserved.
5. The Whistlestop building must be preserved. We are in favor of the building as a transit hub, and see great potential at that location as a public welcome center with commercial space.
6. A vehicular, pedestrian and bike route study to schools, between the Whistlestop Block concept and downtown and East San Rafael must be prioritized. There is potential for rerouting of buses on Lincoln.
With the SRTC relocation, we are concerned about the potential sale of the Bettini Center. Were the SRTC relocated near the Whistlestop building, the current Bettini Center holds promise for an enhanced downtown square and a safe crossroads for our residents and visitors. There are excellent opportunities for housing nearby. It is our hope that discussions with the City and leadership from both the City and GGBHTD would preserve the current Bettini Center area for public usage.
Two years ago the Federation sponsored a visioning session with City, County, non-profit, the GGBHTD, and neighborhood representatives. Consistent with our recommendations to you today, the consensus of that September 21, 2016 meeting was,
The Federation’s goals for this gateway location include:
• Efficient flow of traffic from the 101 freeway and on city streets
• Safe pathways for pedestrians and cyclists traveling all directions
• An appealing, aesthetic, and welcoming townscape
• Respect for our City's natural setting and history
We truly appreciated the candid discussion with the GGBHTD on July 11th. There was synergy, problem solving, and agreement that the above goals could be realized in the Whistlestop Block concept with the adjustments we recommend. Neighborhood members felt their voices were heard, and anticipate the ideas generated from that discussion will bear fruit, as we remain in contact on this very important issue.
Very truly yours,
Amy Likover, Chair
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
[email protected]
Federation General Meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 27th
6:30-7 pm Steering committee (all welcome) Second reading of revised bylaws
7:00-8:00 pm General meeting with Jim Schutz and Susan Andrade-Wax
8:00-8:30 pm Financial report, bylaws report, neighborhood news
Place: City Hall Conference Room, upstairs - new space for our general meetings. Should be nice!
TIME: 7:00-8:30 PM
Topic: The San Rafael Transit Center Relocation, an issue which effects us all.
Guest: Adam Dankberg, Kimley-Horn consultant SRTC Project Manager for GGBHTD
Purpose: Opportunity to voice your civil and constructive suggestions
To prepare:
1. View the City of San Rafael Quick Transit Center Update, click here.
2. View the four latest alternatives ...on this link - also a survey. To advance, click the small "NEXT" button
3. Bring neighborhood news and concerns for our last 25 minutes to plan for July's City/Fed meeting. The City canceled the June meeting, so let's get our real and urgent agenda items set.
Amy Likover
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Guest: Adam Dankberg, Kimley-Horn consultant SRTC Project Manager for GGBHTD
Purpose: Opportunity to voice your civil and constructive suggestions
To prepare:
1. View the City of San Rafael Quick Transit Center Update, click here.
2. View the four latest alternatives ...on this link - also a survey. To advance, click the small "NEXT" button
3. Bring neighborhood news and concerns for our last 25 minutes to plan for July's City/Fed meeting. The City canceled the June meeting, so let's get our real and urgent agenda items set.
Amy Likover
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Previous Meetings & Minutes
The Point San Pedro Road Coalition
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Candidates’ Night
Monday, May 7, 2018
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Jackson Café at Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael
Featuring Candidates for Marin County District Attorney
6:00 Meet and greet the candidates
6:30 Candidates’ Forum
Moderated by Retired Marin County Deputy Public Defender Bonnie Marmor
The District Attorney plays a vital role in our community.
Join us for this informative event!
Refreshments courtesy of
Sandy Mahoney, Madison Co. Realtors
Federation march 8th meeting

Many items discussed at last meeting including Albert Park renovations, Updates on General Plan & Transit Center, Development plans on Thirds Street & Whistlestop.
The Point San Pedro Road Coalition
The Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Candidates’ Night
Monday, May 7, 2018
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Jackson Café at Whistlestop, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael
Featuring Candidates for Marin County District Attorney
6:00 Meet and greet the candidates
6:30 Candidates’ Forum
Moderated by Retired Marin County Deputy Public Defender Bonnie Marmor
The District Attorney plays a vital role in our community.
Join us for this informative event!
Refreshments courtesy of
Sandy Mahoney, Madison Co. Realtors
Thursday, April 12th, 6:30-8:00 PM
B St Community Center, 618 B St, San Rafael
Featuring homemade cookies!
1. Neighborhood reports, what's happening in your neighborhood? - 15 min
2. Speaker: Barry Miller, Project Manager - 2040 General Plan, San Rafael's future growth/development Click here for City link - 45 min
3. Old business - 45 min
* Senate bill 827 --- Click here for graphic map how 827 might effect Bay Area, excellent resource from Samantha Sargent
* Steering committee consensus: $500 contribution to Albert Park
* Report from Stakeholders Group for Transit Center Relocation - Amy/Jackie
* Fed invitation May Meeting to Golden Gate Transit rep - discussion about Transit Center Relocation
* Fed input to Planning projects: A. 703 Third St B. Click here for plans , 999 Third St (BioMarin/Whistlestop)
* Any other neighborhoods interested in signage?
* Regional elections - map voted on by Council 4-1 Click here for district map Second reading of ordinance Apr 16 Council meeting
* Other?
4. Marin DA Candidate event --- April 13th Click here: ACLU and League
5. Next City/Fed/Coalitions agenda items
Come one, come all, and call/text if you need a ride!
All the best,
Amy Likover
Cell: 415-450-1520
1. Neighborhood reports, what's happening in your neighborhood? - 15 min
2. Speaker: Barry Miller, Project Manager - 2040 General Plan, San Rafael's future growth/development Click here for City link - 45 min
3. Old business - 45 min
* Senate bill 827 --- Click here for graphic map how 827 might effect Bay Area, excellent resource from Samantha Sargent
* Steering committee consensus: $500 contribution to Albert Park
* Report from Stakeholders Group for Transit Center Relocation - Amy/Jackie
* Fed invitation May Meeting to Golden Gate Transit rep - discussion about Transit Center Relocation
* Fed input to Planning projects: A. 703 Third St B. Click here for plans , 999 Third St (BioMarin/Whistlestop)
* Any other neighborhoods interested in signage?
* Regional elections - map voted on by Council 4-1 Click here for district map Second reading of ordinance Apr 16 Council meeting
* Other?
4. Marin DA Candidate event --- April 13th Click here: ACLU and League
5. Next City/Fed/Coalitions agenda items
Come one, come all, and call/text if you need a ride!
All the best,
Amy Likover
Cell: 415-450-1520
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
General Meeting
March 8, 2018
B St Community Center - Room #5
618 B St, San Rafael
1. Albert Park - Danielle Sloneker from the "B Team" will present. She spearheads the AP renovation effort. I will put a vote to the Steering Committee to allocate funds for the important park renovation project.
2. 2040 General Plan Report - Jackie S.
3. Transit Center - Amy L & others: Report on Feb 27th meeting
4. City/Fed meetings --- 3 cancellations in a row. Mayor Phillips promises a March meeting. However, we must weigh in. Please consider a brief statement to the Mayor.
5. Development plans
A. Third St., Whistlestop, BMRN
Click here for design plans
B. Seagate Design for 703 Third St - Across from the the Transit Center
Click here for Marin IJ Article
C. Proposed Good Design Guidelines - Amy, Kay K., Mike W., Jackie
Click here for Council Video. Click on Design agenda item
Click here for Staff Report & PDF of presentation
6. Neighborhood signage
7. District Elections --- Concerns
Click Here for City Overview
8. LED light issue
9. Fed Steering Committee Treasurer
Hope to see you there!
Amy Likover
Chair Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
C: 415-450-1520
2. 2040 General Plan Report - Jackie S.
3. Transit Center - Amy L & others: Report on Feb 27th meeting
4. City/Fed meetings --- 3 cancellations in a row. Mayor Phillips promises a March meeting. However, we must weigh in. Please consider a brief statement to the Mayor.
5. Development plans
A. Third St., Whistlestop, BMRN
Click here for design plans
B. Seagate Design for 703 Third St - Across from the the Transit Center
Click here for Marin IJ Article
C. Proposed Good Design Guidelines - Amy, Kay K., Mike W., Jackie
Click here for Council Video. Click on Design agenda item
Click here for Staff Report & PDF of presentation
6. Neighborhood signage
7. District Elections --- Concerns
Click Here for City Overview
8. LED light issue
9. Fed Steering Committee Treasurer
Hope to see you there!
Amy Likover
Chair Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
C: 415-450-1520
Wednesday, November 15th
7-8:45 PM
B St Community Center, Room 5
618 B St. San Rafael
Neighborhoods, please report your news and concerns!
From the Fed's Jackie Schmidt: The San Rafael DPW will be presenting the details of a long awaited traffic study of the Third/Heatherton intersection. The meeting is being hosted by the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods, and is open to the public. The DPW hired a consultant to do the study, and the consultant has come up with several options for the City to consider to make that intersection safer for the buses, autos, bikes, and pedestrians who use it to get onto 101, travel out Third St. to West Marin, cross 101 to get to West Francisco, get to SRHS, get to the bus station, get to SMART, get to the bike lane alongside of SMART, etc. etc. Four pedestrians have been killed at that intersection or nearby by vehicles in the last few years (at least 3 of the 4 were in cross walks, and were elderly.)
We also expect a report (via Steve Kinsey) about public input in the Transit Center relocation plans.
We hope to see you, and hear you voice your opinions since decision makers seek our input.
Amy Likover
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
From the Fed's Jackie Schmidt: The San Rafael DPW will be presenting the details of a long awaited traffic study of the Third/Heatherton intersection. The meeting is being hosted by the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods, and is open to the public. The DPW hired a consultant to do the study, and the consultant has come up with several options for the City to consider to make that intersection safer for the buses, autos, bikes, and pedestrians who use it to get onto 101, travel out Third St. to West Marin, cross 101 to get to West Francisco, get to SRHS, get to the bus station, get to SMART, get to the bike lane alongside of SMART, etc. etc. Four pedestrians have been killed at that intersection or nearby by vehicles in the last few years (at least 3 of the 4 were in cross walks, and were elderly.)
We also expect a report (via Steve Kinsey) about public input in the Transit Center relocation plans.
We hope to see you, and hear you voice your opinions since decision makers seek our input.
Amy Likover
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Station Area Forum II
"Imagine getting off SMART at the San Rafael Station. What will it look like?"
Guest: Steve Kinsey, City of San Rafael Transit Center Advisor, will provide an update
Date: Wednesday, March 29th
Time: 7-9 PM
Place: Whistlestop's Jackson Café, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901
Topic: "The State of the Station Area and Transit Center"
Format: Talk, audience Q & A, with neighborhood panel
Join us for an enlightening evening with an opportunity to learn and ask questions
Snacks and coffee will be served
For more information, contact Amy Likover, Interim Chair, Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods 415-450-1520, [email protected]
Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Meeting Notes
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Jackson Café, 930 Tamalpais Ave., San Rafael, CA
Panel: Mayor Phillips, SMART Board, City Subcommittees; Damon Connolly, Marin County Supervisor District 1; Katie Rice, Marin County Supervisor District 2; Danielle O'Leary, San Rafael Department of Economic Development; Rebecca Woodbury, San Rafael Senior Analyst; Kate Powers, President, Marin Conservation League; Bill Carney, President, Sustainable San Rafael; Cynthia Landecker, President, San Rafael Heritage; Jim Elias, Executive Director, Marin County Bicycle Coalition; Ron Downing, Director of Planning, Golden Gate Transit; Jeff Rhoads, Friends of SMART; Tim Gilbert, BPAC San Rafael Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee; Kay Karchevski, Lincoln/San Rafael Hill Neighborhood Association; Mia Berndt, Friends of the Canal; Bonnie Marmor, Point San Pedro Road Coalition; Moderator, Amy Likover, Interim President, Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods
Greeting, intros and framework of forum goals by panel and Amy Likover, Interim President
A Panel of City and County officials, Non-profit, and Neighborhoods Leaders
Visioning the San Rafael Station Area, Transit Hub, and Gateway to San Rafael
Visioning the San Rafael Station Area, Transit Hub, and Gateway to San Rafael
City Leaders offer "Visioning about the Station Area"
The panel’s discussion was lead by the foundational question:
What vision do each of you have to guide the very real decisions now being made in the Downtown Station Area, the future of the new transit center, the old train depot, our commercial crossroads, area creeks and pathways
The Federation’s goals for this gateway location include:
• Efficient flow of traffic from the 101 freeway and on city streets
• Safe pathways for pedestrians and cyclists traveling all directions
• An appealing, aesthetic, and welcoming townscape
• Respect for our City's natural setting and history
Ideas/Vision of Station Area
· 86 year old father be able to cross the street at 3rd and Hetherton
· Kids able to walk and ride bikes safely to Davidson Middle School from Lincoln, Montecito and Canal Neighborhoods.
· Mahon Creek included as opportunity for positive aesthetic
· Watershed & water-based planning in conjunction with transportation planning, including run-off to Bay
· Create a world-class gateway to San Rafael. Addressing pedestrians safety, poor and increasingly bad traffic circulation, congestion
· Visionary solutions through brave community dialogue, coordination of agencies
· SMART service rolled out in positive way, making sure it’s extended to Larkspur; good solution for Bettini Transit Center, with multi-use bike path completed concurrently
· Whistlestop location/historic Depot building as hub for train/bus/bike/pedestrian center and gateway to downtown
· Not causing degradation for transit users (9,000 per day) or making their commute longer or more challenging—conversely, make it more efficient and pleasant
· Long-term solution for Bettini Center versus interim solution with buses on surface streets, etc.
· Transit Center as an asset, world-class vibrant urban downtown, community embracing personal habits for vehicle use and safety for multi-modal sharing of roadways.
· BPAC seeks input for their 5-year update for San Rafael’s Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan, addressing how to make a car dominated environment more walker and bike friendly
· Station Area is recreated as San Rafael’s front porch: walkable, welcoming; a place to stop, gather & enjoy; including a transit center that’s integrated in a comprehensive and contributing way with its surroundings, not just one with adequate turning radiuses
· A car-free 4th St. for buses & transit only (not past Lincoln) with transit shuttles frequent from cross-town to West End
· Access to waterways (Petaluma example) integrating overnight boaters AND flood mitigation (Canal area mentioned)
· Embrace San Rafael’s ready access to water: a destination (referenced the Great Baths history), Mahon Creek could be restored, culverts should maintained, and there should be dredging/mud removal, storm drains would function better
· Storm water turned to rain garden; filtering provides improved flood control
· Unique characteristic of location is confluence of Mahon Creek, San Rafael Creek and Canal; our transportation cross-roads derives from this natural system, which could be celebrated as a centerpiece of the station area “front yard;” providing a sense of place & connection to nature, expressed in Downtown.
· Outlying areas are concerned with not being able to reach Downtown or freeway in reasonable amount of time; need community conversations and balance for neighborhoods as stakeholders in the transit center
· Embracing “city-ness” of San Rafael as hub of County, employment and retail center, potentially an entertainment and residential center, for seniors and “Millennials”
· Need realistic traffic planning, improved circulation for East/West thru to Ross Valley and alternatives from short-cut routes like Sir Frances Drake and Wolf Grade, etc.
· Perhaps locate Transit Center not in midst of high-pressure area but downstream a bit (Larkspur Ferry?) or with satellite stops to match end-uses and multi-mode connections; too much in one spot
· Elevate railroad through central San Rafael with green space below to eliminate traffic conflicts and enhance quality of life and multi-modal transportation, promote walking & biking, wetlands, wetland trails and improve watershed
· Local transit connections (Marin Transit) and multi-use path Downtown to Larkspur
· Bike Parking
· Depending on transit center location, relook at configuration of 2nd and 3rd multi-lane one-way corridors; reconsider one-way “couplet” for safety issues; locate transit north of 3rd St. to eliminate bus to train user crossings and improve safety and circulation
· Locate primary bike & pedestrian crossings of 2nd and 3rd St. at Tamalpais West, identify these intersections with special paving, signalization, etc., and connecting the transit center to the North-South Greenway multi-use path between 2nd and Andersen; establish similar pedestrian crossings at Lincoln, Lindaro, and B streets, creating clear multi-use zones away from Hetherton
· Safety-driven project that is beautiful, promotes economic vitality and is attractive
· Pleasant, safe area to walk through, with clear way finding and ease of walking to end destination, good experience
· Vision of San Rafael as a destination with sidewalks, plazas, pocket parks, community connection, economic vitality, restored creek, pedestrian connection for East and West San Rafael, exchange transit modes elsewhere
· Eliminate blight on CalTrans property (chain link, litter & weeds)
· “Natural areas improve people’s behavior;” cities benefit from natural spaces. (Jim Elias)
· Downtown Station Area Plan from 2012 (available on Community Development page of City’s website) contains many of the concepts mentioned here for bike & pedestrian circulation, gathering space, economic vitality and green space; it includes transit center relocation ideas and diagram of Bettini block showing apartments with train going thru
· Bridge over Canal, enlivened waterways, safe route for commuters and students
Transit (Bettini) specific comments:
· Comment that the Transit Center may be the biggest challenge facing San Rafael now
· Comment (by Mayor) that the Transit Center may cost about $30 Million and involves multiple agencies (SMART, Golden Gate Transit, Marin Transit, and the City); looking at several options—2nd to 4th; 3rd to 5th; 4th to Mission.
· 2nd highest use transit center in Bay Area (9,000 people/day)
· Ideas have included buses on surface streets as interim plan
· Closing 5th Street is among the options, but not promising
· Consider closing 4th St. to cars, allowing trollies/shuttles and cross traffic.
· Treat both sides of Tamalpais (east and west of tracks) as “found commons,” with consistent street trees, landscaping, streetscape and façade guidelines, creating a greenway
· Perils of closing 5th given Mission bottleneck of train crossing making traffic worse there
· (Mayor) Could see affordable housing over Transit Center or on existing Bettini site (3-4 levels)
· Challenge of getting the flow of traffic and the train crossing through town to work with bus turning patterns and schedules
· Address parking and other needs for ridership going north in transit center plans.
Other goals:
· Tamalpais as a North-South linear Greenway, urban open space
· Natural & historic connection to rail preserved as part of Station Area. Many cities preserve their historic depot buildings (Mission revival design) and integrate them into the urban setting.
· Other: Art, seats, trees, bio-swales, urban forest and livability, urban design, human scale retail, place, significance
Moderator’s Follow-up Comments:
· Create a greenway on both sides of the SMART track. Trees, art, public meeting places, new cafés announce and celebrate the City's new neighbor, the train. Could even be pedestrian streets. A real bonus to new SR economic vitality. It's ingenious to bring nature to a street named "Tamalpais."
· Create a greenway with indigenous plants along the multi-purpose paths. Link up with Tamalpais and creek greenways for an "emerald necklace" effect?
· Feature San Rafael's genesis to the local waterways with a cleaned up San Rafael Creek & Mahon Creek. Native plantings to absorb water continue the “greenway concept.
· CalTrans cleans up properties near freeway, to make them natural and welcoming.
· Rethink the high-speed arteries 2nd & 3rd St and look at 101 on/off ramps for their slowdowns. Restriping to allow 2 lanes? Is there a better way to move the traffic? Are rotaries possible at Montecito? Alternative routing? Should Mission St. be one-way East or Westbound to loosen up backups on track? Pedestrian crossings?
· Showcase the historic SR Station Depot building. Make it our "Ferry Building." Whistlestop continues ownership, and could possibly host "World-Class" high profit concessions in the building: top notch Marin cuisine restaurant upstairs, first-rate espresso bar downstairs w senior discounts etc.
· Build a smaller matching "Mission-revival style building" where the Bettini Transit Center sits to create a welcome balance to that site. Could be the transit information hub.
· Consider density, pollution, light and noise first before planning housing on site
· Educate drivers to be attentive. [Post motorcycle cops at all 4 corners of the Station Area to cite bad drivers? This would send a message to all that the station area is off-limits to reckless driving.
· Remember Jim Elias’ words of wisdom from MCBC's Jim Elias, "In natural settings people behave better."
Respectfully submitted,
Tymber Cavasian,
FSRN; September 29, 2016
Edits by:
Bill Carney and
Amy Likover
October 5, 2016
Candidates Forum - Marin County Supervisory District 2
Over 60 people attended the Federation's Candidate Forum May 18th with Katie Rice (Inc.), Frank Egger and Kevin Haroff at the San Rafael Community Center.
Photo from Supervisor Candidate's Forum

Incumbent Susan Adams and Challenger Kerry Mazzoni respond to audience questions at the Federation sponsored Candidate’s Forum on May 13th, 2011